EDF Statement from Elizabeth Gore, Senior Vice President, Political Affairs
February 24, 2021
Shira Langer, (202) 572-3254, slanger@edf.org
“The transformation of our transportation system to electric vehicles is beginning, but in order for it to be successful, and for our country to reap the full economic, health and climate benefits, electric vehicles must be accessible to everyone. We commend Representative Yvette Clarke for introducing the Electric Vehicles for Underserved Communities Act and working to ensure that the transition of our transportation system to zero emissions vehicles is equitable and just. Low-income communities and communities of color are impacted first and worst by extreme weather events, air pollution and other harms associated with climate change. Yet they are too often left out of the solutions that aim to create a cleaner environment. Importantly, this legislation focuses on these underserved communities by equipping them with tools and funding necessary to make clean vehicle technologies more accessible.”
The Electric Vehicles for Underserved Communities Act focuses on disadvantaged communities in several ways. The bill directs DOE to assess challenges and opportunities in deploying EV charging in underserved and disadvantaged communities; it funds a new grant program to expand EV chargers in these communities; and it establishes an outreach program to inform community members about the benefits electric vehicles can provide.
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