In a regularly scheduled Duncan City Council meeting, council members approved of the 2020 audit and financial statements and an agreement for two electric vehicle charging stations with ASAP Energy.
For a duration of the council meeting, Anne Elfrink, MS, CPA, presented the 2020 audit and financial statements, to which she and her audit staff believe that the financial statements for the entities were fairly stated and that there weren’t any deficiencies in internal control identified that could be materialistic downfalls.
At $2.4 million, the general fund unassigned fund balance remained in healthy condition. On the other hand, general fund revenues surpassed the budget by roughly $2.2 million, essentially because of COVID-19 related charges. Elfrink commended the financial department’s budget control, especially in the midst of the coronavirus pandemic. Acceptance of the 2020 audit and financial statements passed by a 4-1 vote. Councilwoman Lindsay Hayes was the no vote on this agenda and said she voted no because she didn’t have enough time to look over the information in its entirety.
The other emphasized item to the agenda Tuesday might was the discussion and approval for two electric vehicle charging stations with ASAP Energy to be added. Duncan Power and ASAP Energy applied for and received a ODEQ Grant to build a Level 2 Paired Charging Station on ASAP property in Duncan.
The grant requires a five-year arrangement and the Term of Agreement to be fulfilled, and the agreement meets the requirements of the Grant and Staff, as well as the City Attorney. ASAP Corporate Officers have signed the agreement and recommended the approval of the agreement, to which they received a 5-0 vote from the Duncan City Council.
In other news:
- The council approved the purchase of two reclosers with Consoles Distribution Automation Equipment from Southern States, LLC, in the amount of $29,790.00. Duncan Power has a recloser that was indicating an impending failure on “N” Street and a recloser that failed on Camelback Street, so to replace both, the council approved of the necessary purchases of new reclosers.
- With a 5-0 vote, the council approved the purchase subscription renewal of Global Protect Threat Prevention and extended Service Agreement from Dell Marketing LP for one year in the amount of $20,829.50. The purchase will renew the subscription license for both of Duncan’s firewalls located at City Hall and the Duncan Police Department. The extended service agreement provides technical support and software updates.