EA announced today that the next Skate game, which is currently in development, won’t be shown during EA Play 2021 on July 22. It’s another game to add to the growing list of “Stuff That Won’t Be At EA Play 2021.”
The next Skate game, which doesn’t have an official name yet, is in too early a stage of development to show off to the world, according to a tweet posted on the official EA Skate Twitter account. In the message, the devs behind the game explained that they formed a new studio in January and hired a bunch of “super-talented people” to help make the game. Since then, the studio has been hard at work on the next Skate game. But the team and the game aren’t ready for “prime time” just yet and will be skipping EA Play 2021 on Thursday.
“It’s still early and we are committed to doing this thing right which means it’s gonna take some time,” explained EA and the devs in the tweet announcing the no-show.
However, some good news: While the next Skate is skipping the upcoming event, the devs promise a “little something” will be shared with fans tomorrow, July 19. Most likely a teaser, possibly revealing the name of the game. That would be nice, it would mean I could stop calling it “The Next Skate Game” and start calling it Skate 4 or whatever.
This new Skate game was first announced back in June 2020 with a very brief video and no other details. Fans had long wanted a new Skate game and have been asking for it for years. The last game in the series, Skate 3, was released back in 2010.
This latest confirmation of another game skipping EA Play 2021 makes me wonder what will be shown at the event. Bioware confirmed that there won’t be any Mass Effect or Dragon Age news at EA Play and EA also confirmed no new Star Wars games will be revealed either. Reports earlier this month have seemingly revealed that a new Dead Space game, developed by EA Motive, will be at EA Play 2021.
Beyond that? Seems a safe bet that more Battlefield 2042 news will be shared during the event. And who knows, maybe some new games too. EA Play 2021 takes place on July 22.