Plug-in vehicle drivers and enthusiasts will share the drive electric experience with Annapolis area residents and visitors during the Seventh Annual Annapolis Electric Vehicle Showcase organized by Annapolis Green on Sunday, September 26 from 10 am to 2 pm at Susan Campbell Park at Annapolis City Dock.
“We are putting on this showcase to illustrate one of the best ways we can individually mitigate the effects of the climate crisis: moving away from the internal combustion engine,” said Elvia Thompson, President, and Co-founder of Annapolis Green. “The transportation sector is one of the biggest contributors to carbon in the atmosphere. Now that there are very affordable electric cars on the market, everyone should learn about them and the charging infrastructure because there is an electric car in your future.”

The purpose of the showcase is to inform the public about how driving electric benefits the clean-air benefits and cost-savings of electric cars and how zero emissions help to ameliorate climate change. The event is part of National Drive Electric Week, a nationwide celebration to heighten awareness of today’s widespread availability of plug-in vehicles and to highlight the benefits of all-electric and plug-in hybrid-electric cars, trucks, motorcycles, and other vehicles.
“What makes this event unique is that the vast majority of the participants – that is, those who will bring vehicles for display – are individual owners,” Thompson explained. “This allows the public to hear directly from owners about what it’s really like to drive electric.” A number of dealerships and manufacturers’ representatives will participate as well.
Special features:
- Vehicles and boats brought by owners AND dealers
- Your questions answered one-on-one by people who drive electric now
- Seminars on installing home chargers, including in apartment and condo situations; How EV charging affects
your electric bill; Government incentives: How driving electric can help mitigate the effects of Climate Change - EV Charging Demo
- Map of charging station locations nearby
- Info about the Electric Vehicle Association of Greater Washington DC (EVADC), the local drivers’ group
- Giveaways
- EV informational handouts
- Displays of EV related products and services
- Go for a ride in an EV
- Electric boating info by Yacht Sales International
Drivers of the cars registered for the Showcase so far report almost 853,000 e-miles driven – that is, miles without gasoline or diesel.

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