With so many automakers pledging to sell electric vehicles only within 10 to 15 years, the tipping point for EVs is within reach. We at Motorsport Network want to learn all about it, which is why we’re asking you, the readers of InsideEVs and Motor1, what you think about the coming electric age.
Have your voice heard by taking our survey about electric vehicles. Answer the questions as openly and honestly as you can. There are no right or wrong answers. We want your opinion, which will be shared with automakers and the wider industry when the survey is complete.
Click here to participate in the world’s largest survey about electric vehicles.
As a thank you for completing the questionnaire, we’ll also send you a copy of the findings when they’re available, as well as present the results as the Electric Days Digital conference in September.
All of the results are completely confidential and will be processed and presented by our research partner DVJ Insights. The findings will only be presented in aggregate form, and no details will be made available that allow you to be identified.
Click here and follow the instructions on screen to take the survey. Thank you!