Photo by David Greene
This week, we asked readers their thoughts on the new charging stations currently being installed in public areas around the City, including in Norwood, for electric vehicles (EVs).
“My feeling is, basically, that it helps out the community, you know? It gets everybody into electric vehicles that are better than gas. It’s better for the environment. We all need to step up. I don’t drive, but I see a lot of these electric scooters, which I think are a bad idea. They are very hazardous, yeah. Can you charge a scooter on those things? I think it brings a brilliant idea to the community if you have an electric vehicle, and it will get more people to get electric vehicles.”
Mario Hernandez,

Photo by David Greene
“First off, when I first saw it, I was shocked and grateful, grateful that we have something like this, especially in my community, because it does build up the community. I didn’t think about the consequences of it taking up two parking spaces, and now that I think about the two parking spaces, I’m just saying to myself, well, how much is it worth right now? When I think about it right now, I just ask how many people in this community are going to use it, and benefit from it having an electric vehicle? When I first came, and they were giving tickets and I was like – why not put it at a gas station? It’s almost like [the situation with] the Citi Bikes. You see the Citi Bikes taking up all these parking spaces in residential areas, so why not put those in the parks?”
Manny Rabaza,

Photo by David Greene
“I like the idea a lot, but there are certain issues – one of them is signage and letting people know that there is a charging station out here, only for charging [electric] vehicles. Basically, that’s the biggest issue I see. They could even put a light and it shines green on the floor. You don’t even have to paint the floor. I love the station. I like the idea. They should put a lot more in more visible areas. This is too much of a residential area. I feel like it’s hidden where it’s at.”
Gilbert Polanco lll,
Bedford Park

Photo by David Greene
“I think it’s great. I like that it’s less expensive, renewable, and it creates less pollution than the old gas engines, and I think it will be a lot better for the neighborhood. I’m all for it. Yes, if people support it, and they keep installing more of these, there’ll be more electric cars, and I think it will get things going in a better direction.”
Ivan Martinez,

Photo by David Greene
“I think it’s awesome. I think that things are definitely moving in the electric direction exactly, and it’s very convenient to have something like this, especially at a major hub like West 242nd Street, and I think there should be more things like this. Honestly, it’s only a few [parking] spaces. There’s always pros and cons to everything whenever things change. It’s always difficult because someone is going to lose out in the end.”
Leslie Banks,
Van Cortlandt Village