Virtual Electric Vehicle workshop on April 27
The Reading Municipal Light Department (RMLD) will hold a Virtual Electric Vehicle workshop at 7 p.m. April 27.
The event is free, but those interested in attending are asked to register. The goal of the workshop is to educate and increase awareness of plug-in electric vehicles and their benefits. The workshop will consist of two parts:
1. EV 101 Presentation: A short presentation covering basic information about plug-in electric vehicles including types of vehicles, charging, incentives, the benefits of driving electric and updates on vehicle fuel technology developments. An overview of RMLD’s electrification programs and efforts, including pending grant applications for public electric vehicle charging infrastructure, will also be covered.
2. EV Owner Panel: A moderated panel discussion with electric vehicle owners who are also RMLD customers; panelists will share their first-hand experiences with owning and driving an electric car.
A question-and-answer session will close out the virtual event. The session will be recorded and posted on RMLD’s website for those unable to attend live.
Increasing the adoption of PEVs is an important component in RMLD’s ongoing electrification efforts, as well as overall carbon reduction efforts across the commonwealth. To aid in the adoption of PEVs, RMLD offers rebates to customers who install a qualified charging station at their home or business. Visit https://rmld.com/electric-vehicle-rebate-programs for details and eligibility criteria.
To learn more and register for the virtual event, visit rmld.com/home/news/join-us-virtual-electric-vehicle-workshop.