Just over 250 apartment units in Los Alamos are solar powered!
Plateau Property Management began the process of installing solar in the fall of 2019 and was originally expected to be fully operational by April of 2020, and then COVID came along.
While most of the panels were installed by the end of 2019, significant upgrades in the electrical systems at all but one of the apartment complexes needed to be done to accommodate the new solar systems. Supply issues in getting materials and work restrictions due to COVID, created delays for the contractors and Los Alamos County Utilities.
Thankfully with the hard work of LD Electric, Los Alamos County, NM Solar group, and Plateau Property Management staff, with the patience of residents, the project is coming to completion.
Principle owner of the apartments, Bruce Norman, said the delays, while frustrating, were understandable.
“Any project of this size and complexity is bound to encounter delays, but when you throw COVID into the mix, all bets were off,” Norman said. “We are very proud and excited to being so close to having all our apartments utilize the sun to provide electricity for our residents. There will be times when we add power to the grid, and times when we will draw from the grid. At a project cost of $1.5 million this was a big commitment, but we take pride in doing our part for the environment.”
Solar power is being produced at: Ponderosa Pines, The Chapel Apartments, Iris St. apartments, Tres Casitas and 20 of the 40 units at The Cottonwoods at Gold St.
Don Taylor, who purchased one of the three buildings at Tres Casitas several years ago coordinated with Norman when the project was being done and was able to install solar on his 8 units as well.
Plateau Property Management has a long history of managing their properties in an environmentally responsible way. In addition to now providing most of the electrical needs for their apartments, they began a very popular recycle program at The Chapel Apartments 25 years ago and carried that model over to Ponderosa Pines when they purchased that property in 2015. In 2018 they installed an electric car charging station at Ponderosa Pines, the first apartment complex within the county to offer this feature. Additionally, they replaced the old single pane windows at all its properties, installed low flow toilets and faucets, upgraded Insulation and improved siding.
“As a major provider of housing in Los Alamos, I know anything we do to reduce our environmental impact really adds up over time,” Norman said.
As an additional bonus to the electrical upgrades, all the apartments that did not previously have air conditioning will now have A/C units installed. Work on that project has already begun and should be complete in the next several weeks.
Plateau Property Management would like to thank Daniel and all the guys from LD Electric, Stephen Mares and Los Alamos County, Alex and Matt with NM Solar Group, and All our residents and staff for their efforts in making this a reality!
For additional information, contact Plateau Property Management at 505.661.0211 or visit www.plateaupropertymgmt.net.