ARTHURDALE, W.Va. – Arthurdale Heritage hopes to welcome more tourists with their new electric vehicle chargers.

The new chargers were installed by Mon Power in early August. The EV’s were donated by Charles Pickering of Pickering Energy Solutions.
“You have our beautiful stone historic buildings next to the historic antique gas pumps and then you have the future of West Virginia, which is perhaps electric vehicles and electric vehicle tourism, so it’s been very well received I’m quite pleased,” Executive Director of Arthurdale Heritage, Darlene Bolyard said.
Bolyard said it was the community and business organizations coming together to benefit visitors to the state.

“What epitomizes more, the wonderful change in rural America is that we keep our history with our beautiful antique gas pumps and our new modern technology. Meshing the two together is what West Virginia is about.” Bolyard said. “Eleanor Roosevelt visited here 33 times and I think Mrs. Roosevelt would be thrilled that we are not forgetting out historic past, but we are adding new things that people in West Virginia can utilize.”
The chargers are free, but officials ask if travelers aren’t taking their tour that they make a donation.
Craft shop and guided tours of Arthurdale Heritage are Monday-Saturday 10-3.